Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Overall Class Reflection

I can't believe it, the semester together went by so fast. I was re-reading my past posts and I am shocked at how much i've learned in the past four months. I remember (and read) how i was so lost at what asian american culture was, and now i can be sure of myself when i answer, WHAT DOES ASIAN AMERICAN MEAN TO YOU? in the very beginning of class, we introduced some basic facts on some of the types of asians out there. i can now inform people about the genocide of the cambodian race, the traditional holidays of the vietnamese, and that the chinese food we eat, isn't even really chinese at all! and of course there is more i can say, everyones presentation was awesome! Asian american culture is intricate. next, hyphen magazines opened the many different mediums asian americans are trying to get recognized into. asians in the music scene, the movie scene, and the comedy scene. the many different stories opened me up to their life stories, further helping me understand what asian american culture is. asian american culture is hard work. The fall of the I-Hotel, impacted me on such a level i can't even describe. Introducing me into the racial inequality that was experienced by filipinos. Asian American culture is about community. APATURE actually got me going out there into the world in search of asian american culture and ANALYZING IT. what?! i was exposed to art that reflected the asian achievements in the united states, and of course, the cultural struggle. asian american culture is being recognized. the book Dim sum of all things, was another fun way of experiencing asian american culture through another person's eyes. Share their experiences and thoughts, and yet seem like their your own. asian american culture is comedic. the food portion had to have been my favorite. fusing the two worlds together is all about what asians had to do once they migrated. asian american culture is inevitably creative. cultural invasion gave us a chance to share what we learned so far in the semester with everyone else. reliving the strike was just ineffable. recognizing and thanking our forefathers for handling their business and standing up for what they believed in - THEIR RIGHTS. asian american culture is inspirational. the next project of learning asian american culture through poetry helped me even more absorb the meaning of what it was to be asian - american. it exposed me to those who are MIXED, and what it feels like to have even a little asian in them and how it impacted their life. asian american culture is versatile. our last project, POP was just a final bang! our video incorporated our class from start to finish. from listing the different stereotypes we experienced to the TWLF strike. it gave us a chance to gather all our knowledge and share it with who ever wanted it. finally, ASIAN AMERICAN CULTURE IS MY CULTURE!

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