Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Taste of Home

What home taste like to me…I can name a lot of things I love to eat but I guess three things I can not live without...grandma’s and or mother’s homemade soup, white rice, and instant noodles. Of course, like I said there is a lot more I can eat and love to eat, but I can live off of these dishes anyday! As I grew up there was nothing more filling than having a bowl of soup with rice for dinner, it always hit the spot. And though we drink soup every day (because it’s supposed to be good for our health or something about cleaning out our system or some soups are supposed to help with acne problems and the list goes on for how healthy soup is…) I can never get tired of soup. I love soup! Its one of the only dishes I like and enjoy during Chinese dinner gatherings. White rice is another favorite of mine; sometimes I eat white rice by itself. I remember when I was younger I had a contest with my aunt to see who could eat the most bowls of white rice, and I won because it got too plain for her (haha) but yes, I love white rice. And lastly instant noodle, I cannot live without it. Instant noodle was always a delicious snack and for me and it was always a welcome home meal. Nothing yells home like a bowl of instant noodles. Everytime, when I went away on a trip for more than a day or two; I would always crave an instant noodle and mother knew I always did too. So, once I got home from my trip she didn’t even need to ask me what I wanted to eat. She could already predict it and she would prepare a nice comforting bowl of noodles for me to eat. That was plenty more than I could ask for. Instant noodle is actually a comfort food for my whole family. During thanksgiving break, my family headed down to Los Angeles for the weekend. We spent two days eating amusement park food we couldn’t eat another bite. For dinner that night, we actually stopped by 7-11 to pick up some cup noodles which is the next best thing to instant noodles. It was so satisfying I couldn’t ask for anything better. Healthy or not it hit home for all of us.

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