Thursday, December 11, 2008

Asian American Culture Groups

This assignment was actually one of the very fist assignments but I will write about it now. (Haha) One of our first group presentations was our Asian American culture group project. Each group was assigned an Asian American culture group; Filipino American, Chinese American, Japanese American, Vietnamese American, Korean American, or Cambodian American. My group was assigned Vietnamese American. Our assignment as a group was to research the hot spots in town finding out where they are located in the city, or what kind of food they eat, their big holidays, and other interesting facts. Our group decided to divide this task into parts because our schedules did not allow us to meet up with one another. My part was to research where the Vietnamese Americans were located in the city. This is what I found out…

The Vietnamese American society is called Little Saigon, the name refer to the
capital of former south Vietnam, it is located in the Tenderloin district on
Larkin Street between Eddy and O’Farrell, about 250 Vietnamese American
owned businesses such as tailors, doctors, dentist, travel agents, jeweler,
restaurants, acupuncturists and more work there. And there are two other
little Saigon in California, one in San Jose and one in the orange county.

I have never been to Little Saigon, but I do plan on visiting one day. I love Vietnamese food, especially pho, and what better place to get a nice delicious bowl of pho than Vietnamese town? Last summer, my family actually tried looking for the little Saigon down in Orange County but we had no luck. Our family friend told us there was great Vietnamese food over there but we were unable to find it. Maybe next time!

This assignment helped me learn a lot of interesting fact about the different Asian American culture groups. Honestly, I knew very little about the different AA culture groups but after this presentation I was able to gather a few key details about each group. After presentations were over, Irene had us play a game/do any activity where each group had a minute or two to name as many facts and details they could about the different Asian American culture groups and the winner received a prize. This was to see what we learned and also a test to see who was paying attention or not. I don't know about you, but I do not work well under pressure, so everything that was in my head to begin with suddenly slips out. But nevertheless it was a fun and exciting game/activity and it helps us learn from one another and refreshes our memory about the different cultures.

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