Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dear Harry Mok, the editor in chief of Hyphen Magazine

Never in my life was I so intrigued in a magazine filled with so many words! Not only were these words insightful, but hilarious and inspirational. Thank you so much for the article, "Postcards From the Middle" in your Road Trip Issue. These short stories written by the actual protagonists themselves add a sense of reality and truthfulness to the paragraphs I read. It touches upon segregation in the 1980s, raw scenic corridors of migrated Asian families, and making the best of what was given; subjects I never had first hand experiences with, but still felt the mixed emotions that were being portrayed. Surprisingly, one particular story dealt with the choice of erasing their Asian culture and choosing to replace it with another (black or white in this situation). I have to say, this concept upsetted me, the lifestyle of limited culture takes away the knowledge of a whole other part of the world. I think that culture is essential, and it should be shared and embraced by all. That is what your magazine has opened my eyes to. Although there were many spelling and grammatical errors, they never tarnished the eloquent material of Hyphen.

- Gelline Mejia
Elk Grove, Ca
Ethics 210

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