Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Letter to the Editor

Dear Hyphen,

I'm glad that there's a culture-enriched magazine like yours that accurately portrays contemporary Asian Americans. Before reading your article, "Life After 9/11," I was ignorant of the xenophobia many Asians—most notably South Asians—faced in the aftermath of September 11. Stephen Funk's story about his experience with the Marines gave me insight to the discrimination within the military; I didn't think that such blatant racism still existed within the armed forces of the United States. Another thing I discovered from the article is the deportation of Cambodian refugees. I find it appalling that the US is sending them back to Cambodia—after settling and creating a life here—because of a war they have nothing to do with. Thank you for letting them have a voice in your magazine.

Katrina Lui
San Francisco, CA

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