Saturday, December 6, 2008

Wong Fu Productions

Left to Right: Ted Fu, Philip (Phil) Wang, Wesley (Wes) Chan

Wong Fu Productions is a production company composed of three UCSD post-grad students: Wesley Chan, Ted Fu, and Philip Wang. They all produce videos and a movie together on a wide variety of topics, some including aspects of Asian American culture. With their videos and movies, the trio have debuted their works on YouTube and on their company website: They became well-known for their wonderful works and have toured a couple of college campuses in the United States. The trio has traveled to places outside the United States including France and Hong Kong, talking to audiences and attending film festivals.

How did this all begin? It all started back in 2003 at the University of California, San Diego. Phil was a freshman who started making videos at around the same time that Wes and Ted were making their own videos and animations. Phil and Wes met in spring ’04 in a class and both met Ted in another class later that fall. They found out that they all shared the common interest of the love for making videos and animations and soon became the best of friends who started working together to produce videos. Starting off with home video cameras and moving up to using more advanced video cameras, the trio has put out a number of short videos and music videos and has even risen to the challenge of making a long-feature movie “A Moment with You.” Their works have grown in popularity amongst many people from across all cultures and ethnicities, not just Asian Americans. This shows that these Asian Americans are not only reaching out to people of Asian American culture but are also crossing borders and expanding to places where Asian American culture might not be present or strongly represented. Wes, Ted, and Phil have been very successful at producing videos and because they are successful as Asian Americans, I am proud that they are successful at something that Asian Americans are usually not really seen as successful at. There is the stereotype that Asian Americans are encouraged by their parents to take up careers either in law, medicine, business, or engineering, and they usually do. However, video and media production is a different area that most Asian Americans do not consider that highly since Asian Americans tend to care more about living and making money more than following their dreams and pursuing their passions. The trio has shown that living the dream and doing what you love is really important and fun too.

Wong Fu Productions produces the funniest and coolest videos that I have ever seen. As I was watching the videos, I found myself laughing really hard with the funny videos, sad with the sad videos, etc. I was empathetic with the main character in the videos. For the videos where the trio each directly voice their own opinions and views and act as themselves, I thought that they were all cool. I could relate to their opinions on certain issues because they were around the same age as I was, a bit older since they’re in their twenties and I’m not but I could understand what they were saying. Their videos represent another way that Asian Americans can get involved in the media and have a widespread effect on their audience. They incorporate Asian American culture by talking about Asian American culture from their point of view, using some Chinese music, and filming in China where Chinese roots originate from.

Random fact: They own a cute, gigantic teddy bear named Spencer. Wes bought the teddy bear shortly after the trio moved to LA to live together so that they could do their work for Wong Fu Productions.

Check out Wes, Ted, and Phil of Wong Fu Productions and their videos at
Enjoy their videos because they’re just AWESOME. Wes, Ted, and Phil are BEYOND EXTRAORDINARY. One thing is for sure: Watching one or more of these videos will definitely make your day. :)

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