Saturday, December 6, 2008

Free? Don't Mind If I Do!

Freebees, who doesn’t love free things? I remember on the first week of my Asian American Culture class, we were asked to list out stereotypes of Asian Americans. One of the stereotypes listed is Asians being cheap or another thing I hear people say when they are refering to cheap is "being Asian". For example, "I'm going to be Asian and take a lot of napkins." Many come to conclusion that Asians are cheap because like i said asians like to take a lot. For instanst, at fast food restaurants liek i said they take more napkins than they need or any free thing they can get their hands on they take more than one. I confess I am guilty of this act myself, but in a way I think it’s a smart thing to do. Napkins alway come in handy! You never know when you're going to need one. and if they don't want you to take them then why put things out there for people to take? And if they are free why just limit yourself to one?

Over Thanksgiving break I went with my grandparents to the 2008 Auto Show in downtown, and at the auto show place there were free bags for people to take a fill up with brochures and other knick knacks. My grandmother tells me to go get a bag for her so she can hold her jacket. After returning with one bag, she tells me to go back and get her a few more so she can bring them home and use them to hold groceries. The whole time I was thinking, this is where I learned it from! I learned how to take advantage of free stuff from grandma! Everytime I go to a big event I always go for the free stuff and not only do I take one of everything, but I take a handful more!

Like I said, if you leave it out in the open that means you want people to take it. And if it doesn’t have a take only one sign then that just means take as much as you please and believe me I will. I see this as not being cheap, but taking advantage of what they offer. My favorite freebees are t-shirts, bags, and pens! I love free t-shirts. They’re good for workout close, pajama shirts, or just shirts that I don’t mind getting dirty. Bags are always useful for anything; groceries, book bags, or whatever else needs to be carried. And pens! I could honestly say that I have enough free pens to last me couple semester of school. I may sound cheap because these are all free stuff, but I just think of it as being smart and taking advantage of what is being offered in front of me.(haha)

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