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“Girls Are Like M&Ms"This video is my favorite and it talks about interracial marriage. Kevin is so right in how Asian parents only want their kids to marry another Asian person and not have mixed babies. Also, at one of the first ASU meetings I went to at SFSU, we had a discussion on interracial marriage and some people had super strict parents which took it a step further and only want them to marry a specific type of Asian, like only Chinese or Korean. So let's take a page from Kevin's book and treat everyone like M&Ms!!!
“Put It In Purse”
Both Kev Jumba and Happy Slip are in this re-enactment of how Kevin learned how to drive stick shift. It involves family and how Asians are kinda cheap (save a couple hundred by not getting an automatic). It also has a little taste of Asian accents and how it can be hard to understand certain words – “purse” = first.
Happy Slip:
YouTube Channel:
This video is about how Christine’s cousin Minnie got a boyfriend. Now Christine’s aunt is gloating to her parents, which shows how Asian families are competitive with their children. It also has a little taste of Asian accents and how it can be hard to understand certain words – “boypren” = boyfriend.
This video is about Christine’s cousin Minnie going off to college and her mother getting someone to watch over her at the new school – enter cousin Christian. This is all about how Asian parents and families are so overprotective and like to be involved in every aspect of their child’s life, like picking what college they go to.

Happy Slip Family: Christine, Dad, Minnie, Grandma, Mom, Auntie
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