On Monday night, every section of ETHS 210 came together at Brava Theater for POP! and put on a show to showcase what we learned and gained from class about Asian American culture. Each performance/video was entertaining, and I truly enjoyed every single one. With the little amount of time we all had to prepare, I felt that each class was able to put out quality work. POP! was a great way to end the semester and effectively demonstrate our understanding of Asian American culture in a way an exam would not be able to do.
Here are some pictures I took of the performances by Valerie Soe's class:
Ming Ming Potter and Cho Chang
Ming Ming receives a visit from the evil Voldemort.
Ming Ming is now white!
Dumbledore gives Ming Ming a pep talk & persuades him to become Asian again.
Soe U Think U Can Dance (Tinikling)
Four at once!
"Who Am I" skit - Rejected by the Asian group
Rejected also by the American group.
Bonding over their mutual love for Pokémon.
"This Is I" - spoken word performances
And from Isabelle Thuy Pelaud's class, the hula group dances to Adeaze's "How Deep is Your Love":
My camera ran out of battery just before the succeeding skit, so no pictures of the rest of the performances, sorry!
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