Sunday, November 2, 2008

midterm; cultural invASIAN

Commemorating the Third World Liberation Strike was insane. Starting off with that film, how can the police especially, have the train of thought thinking they could use guns and batons as a solution to the silent strike for ethnic studies? And how can this college I’m going to integrate a vocational track, underlyingly indicating wealth is needed to be given the chance to succeed? It’s like when your born middle class, you’re already screwed – you can’t become nearly as successful as those already privileged. When Irene asked the class what we strike for, most the class stayed silent. That’s all it took to recognize the unity of our generation. There is none. Our generation is changing by the millisecond and we spend a lifetime tryna keep up and we ain’t got time to fight for what’s happening now. I see most of the world praying for gas prices to go down, for the recession to pass over, for budget cuts not to happen. There are too many hopeful thoughts and not enough hopeful action. Too caught up in getting what’s “mine” and not giving a fuck about what’s “yours.” All this anger and grief had me needing to write a poem, which was perfect for our midterm presentation.

I am in hunger desperation for a thing called
Cats be so hungry nowadays for a solution,
A conclusion for every damn equation they see.
“I ain’t got time for no common sense, no common people,
No common values, no common determination, no common –
And I especially ain’t got no goddamn time to spend a cent
On your common Third World Liberation. *
But it was this implication that
40 years later racism cannot exist – or can it?
Inspire and give me a situation no one has ever considered
Because I still see racism being considered in every
Judgmental potential.
Man, who the hell… really cares?
1968- a silent fight for equal rights
2008 – now you tell me what we strike for

I’m not a pro or anything but I say what is simply there. Why cut ethnic courses here when we’re the only college that has a college of ethnic studies in the U.S? The skit and fashion group went on the 30th and they were awesome! I was so hyped to support this “strike re-enactment” that I wonder, if another one goes down – will I really support it FOR REAL?

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