Saturday, November 15, 2008

asian nerds vs. the cool asians

i was watching Mean Girls and that movie is very sterotypical and the part where they were mapping out the cafeteria, i saw how they divided the asian population into "asian nerds" and the "cool asians" .. and then i started thinking, is that true? hell yeah. i started to think about highschool and how it was very distinguishable.. then i got to thinking globally does it really seem like that out in the "real world?" frankly saying the "asian nerds" were those who were fobs, had glasses, and dressed that look. loved video games and anime and was very in touched with their asian culture. like you can tell, and the movie reflected that. same with the "cool asians" they have that swagger; dressed to impress, have that confidence that makes you know they're cool.

i know this pertains to other races as well, but i will focus on our asian american community. how did this separation come to be? i think that everyone forms their own little nitch with their type of people and thats how cliques came to be. the interesting thing is, is how the general belief integrates thes image and criteria on what is "cool" and thats how we judge people, and maybe not just people - but music, dance, art, movies - everything. and that's why we stereotype the typical cool asian rocking underground hip hop cuhs thats cool. that urban swagger- cuhs thats cool. they rap, dj, break, produce, tag, and play contact sports- cuhs that is cool!

on the other hand, those who represent the soft side of things are not as cool. video games 24/7 photography, tennis, their vastness of knowledge, non-designer clothes.. you get the point.

how do i feel about it? that's just how it is. you can follow the hype, or you can make your own. honestly, i wear whatever i'm comfortable wearing, and although it's not totally bullseye on either being a "cool asian" or an "asian nerd" i do still get pressured into wanting to fall into the category of being "cool" because you are constantly being judged and i want to make a good impression. the "cool" scene influences me everyday and i constantly shape myself to be noticed- what i wear, how i talk, and just how i wanna compose myself. and being an asian american emphasizes this need to be noticed.

being a minority i am already crippled tho - lost in a sea of hella asians and having this hunger to distinguish myself. and by picking a side.. cool or not, you are already weaving yourself out of half the population. and being asian, you really want that. to be noticed out in the world.

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