Thursday, October 2, 2008

Restaurant Review

This past Sunday my family and I went out to eat at Little Paris Coffee Shop for lunch in Chinatown. The shop is located at 939 Stockton Street, a convenient location for many tourists and hungry people to go eat. Besides Tung Kee Noodle House in Daly City, Little Paris Coffee Shop is another one of my family’s favorite places to eat Vietnamese cuisine.

We arrived at about noon, and the place was packed with people and the aroma of a variety of different foods filled the air. A waitress came up to us and seated us at a table for four people. Everyone ordered phở because all of us decided in unison to eat something that we have not eaten in a long time. My mom does not usually make phở nor does she not frequently make much Vietnamese cuisine for the entire family to eat at home, so eating food that we do not often get to eat in a restaurant is a special treat.

Once the four bowls of steaming phở came to our table, I could not wait to grab my chopsticks and savor the awesome mixture of broth along with the rice noodles, meatballs, and green onions. The rice noodles just tasted so delicious when I slurped them and the meatballs were tender and juicy. I could also tell that my parents and my brother were also enjoying their meals and having a great time. We all ordered three colored bean drinks, a Vietnamese drink specialty, to accompany our meal. By the time everyone was done with their phở and three colored bean drinks, our bellies are so bloated that we could not eat another bite. My dad left a tip for the waitress and we left the shop to go shop in Chinatown.

Overall the restaurant experience was very pleasurable, but some things could be improved in terms of customer service and satisfaction. One big flaw was that after we ordered our phở, we had to wait for a long time of 30 minutes to get our food. This problem is not new. I have eaten at many restaurants where my family and I would practically be left sitting in frustration and distress to wonder about when we were ever going to eat. If the restaurant ever fixed this problem, I know that they would have more customers and make customers feel happy about their restaurant experience that they would want to come back and eat. A minor mistake that I encountered was that the three colored bean drink had too many beans in the drink instead of liquid. In that case, we did not really get a “drink” but instead got a bunch of red and yellow beans mixed with crushed ice and green strips of jello.

However, the restaurant did a good job of making good phở for us to eat. There was a right amount of broth in proportion to the meatballs and rice noodles in the soup. The meatballs were thoroughly cooked and chewy. Eating the phở that they served made me full and happy. The price of $5.95 for a bowl of phở was also reasonable and affordable.

I give this restaurant a rating of 4 out of 5 stars.

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