Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My review of The Dim Sum of All Things

The book The Dim Sum of All Things by Kim Wong Keltner is must read. It is a definite page turner because I just could not put it down. I am not an avid reader and don’t tend to like many books, but this one just made me want to keep on reading because I wanted to see what was next in Lindsey Owyang’s life. There are many themes throughout the book that are hot topics to contemplate, like Asian/Asian American stereotypes, interracial dating/ marriage, and cultural identity.

I personally liked the book because I thought Keltner’s unique and fresh writing style made this book a quick and easy to read. I also felt a strong connection between Lindsey’s character and myself because we are both American – Born – Chinese (A.B.C.) in San Francisco, trying to get through life as best we can. From work to fun, or her ‘Pau Pau’ and her brother, I could relate to what she was going through. Right off the bat I found myself thinking in my head, “Oh yeah, that’s totally happened to me too” or “Oh my goodness. That’s so true!” as I was reading. For example, when she goes to the butcher in Chinatown and she orders in Chinese and then she can’t understand what the butcher is saying. I have experienced that and am also a little cautious when I speak Chinese in order to not get stuck in a situation where I can’t respond because I don’t know what the heck they said. Also, I totally agree that “nothing is more repulsive then the combined odors on a Muni bus.” I ride Muni practically every single day and I dread it; because there are so many gross, nasty smells and also the creepy people that just make the ride so torturous, not to forget that the buses are always jam packed too. Furthermore, I too have trouble sometimes talking with my ‘Pau Pau’ and go through the same little caring gestures that Lindsey does, like making me drink ‘dong gua tong’ when I’m sick.

So all in all, you should really pick up a copy if you think you can relate to a white-washed A.B.C. and want to read something that will get you thinking about your own life. This book will make you look at how you live your daily life as an Asian American living in a world that is so crazy. I never thought I’d be the one to recommend a book, but this one was just overflowing with interesting stuff that I have to say it rocks. So get your butt to the nearest bookstore or library and pick up a copy of this wonderful book and get ready for a hilariously good time.

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