Friday, October 31, 2008

Asian American news

Every night I watch KTSF 26, the Cantonese Bay Area news, on Channel 26. I know it may sound cheesy to some people that I watch Cantonese news (along with regular English broadcasting such as Channel 7), but I see my habit as a way that I get informed in a different perspective and view on issues than on other channels. I also get to practice and refine my Cantonese skills, which I believe is essential in order to preserve my culture, communicate with my family, and interact with others to help them with English if they do not understand.

On Mondays to Fridays after watching Channel 7 news from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, I flip to Channel 26 to watch KTSF 26 with my family while we eat dinner. The newscast starts out with reporting the day’s big headlines around the world, nationally, locally, or a combination of the few. All the reports are given in Cantonese, although people who participate in the news also speak Mandarin and English. On Sundays, the entire newscast is given in Mandarin, but the reports are very much similar to the Saturday newscast in terms of what’s going on around the Bay Area, entertainment, etc. KTSF 26 broadcasts news in very much the same way that other news stations broadcast their news. In comparison to other news stations however, KTSF has not switched nor updated their news to be HD quality. With no HD quality, there are always loud, raspy sounds emitted from the television and poor viewing quality. It is frustrating and annoying to hear those noises while eating dinner.

Besides the aspect of the news and the quality that the news is presented in, there is a much larger issue at hand concerning KTSF 26. According to my knowledge, KTSF 26 is the only news station that broadcasts Cantonese news around the Bay Area. There are many other news stations that broadcast news in English, such as Channel 7, CBS 5, and KRON 4. It was just interesting and unfair that there is only one station for Cantonese news and many more news stations dedicating for broadcasting news in the English language. There should be more Cantonese news stations broadcasting news. With only one station, people who speak Cantonese and do not understand English get limited news and are not as informed as those who speak and understand English. This issue shows the discrepancy that exists with representation of Asian American culture in society where there is not enough people being informed about what is going on when everyone deserves to be as informed as much as they can through the means of the media. With even one more Cantonese news station, an increased significant difference will be made in letting others know about society and Asian American culture.

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